Your Day at PTAC
7:30 am-8:00 am Registration/Continental Breakfast
7:50 am-8:05 am
Praise & Worship
8:10 am-9:20 am
Keynote Speaker — Yancy
9:30 am-10:20 am
Session #1 Workshops
10:30 am-11:20 am
Session #2 Workshops
11:30 am-12:20 pm
Lunch #1 OR Session #3 Workshops
12:30 pm-1:20 pm
Lunch #2 OR Session #4 Workshops
1:30 pm-2:20 pm
Session #5 Workshops
2:35 pm-3:30 pm
Session #6 Workshops
What time do the doors open at PTAC?
Entry doors open at 7:00 am, and check-in begins by 7:15 am. You will enter the doors underneath the 2nd awning
How do I check in at the conference?
Check in is done by last name. General attendees will check in at a table by their last name. Directors/Assistant Directors will check in at a table specifically designated for Directors. You are not allowed to check in for other staff members.
Where do I park?
Please be sure to follow all signs and Parking Guides. We want to make sure everyone is safe entering and exiting our parking lots. We will also have parking in designated fields at the front of the property. Please drive slowly. We encourage you to car pool.
Please do not park in Handicap parking or designated Presenter and Vendor parking. Your car may be towed at owner expense if you do not have permission to park there.
Refund Policy?
Once you are registered, there are no refunds and you can not use your registration for future PTAC events. You may send a substitute.
Please email PTAC@windwoodpc.org and let the registrar know prior to the event who will be replacing you and we will make sure that they replace your registration. Or, the person replacing you can check in under your name.
A continental breakfast and lunch is included. We would like to accommodate everyone's dietary needs, but that is just not possible so please feel free to bring your own lunch and snacks; however, you will need to make sure you can carry it around with you. We are not a peanut-free facility.
Dinks: Bottled water will be provided throughout the day. Soft drinks & a snack will be offered prior to the footnote.
What is the dress code?
Casual, business attire. Whatever is comfortable.
We encourage attendees to bring light sweaters.